In the fast-paced logistics industry, safe transit of fragile goods such as electric kettles is crucial. Our solution: customized air column bags designed for electric kettles, ensuring top-tier protection and efficient handling.

air column bags

Tailored Perfection, Size Matters

Our custom air column bags are tailored to perfectly fit your electric kettle, minimizing movement during transportation and reducing packaging waste.


Innovative bottom node design

Our design features a unique bottom node system that automatically folds over and fits to the bottom of the carton, creating a secure air cushion liner. This provides great shock absorption, centers the kettle, and protects it from impacts without the need for extra inserts or liners.


Put a different kind of lid on your packaging

Our custom pouches take protection to the next level with a custom top design that seamlessly converts into a protective “lid” when the box is closed. Simply fold the excess material over the kettle and it securely wraps around the contents, creating an extra layer of cushioning. This dual function as both a package and a protective cover eliminates the need for a separate lid or cover, simplifying logistics and reducing costs.


The perfect combination of efficiency and protection

The beauty of our custom air column bags is their user-friendly design. Packaging operators can quickly and easily place the kettle into a properly sized bag, then place it into the box and watch to see that the bottom nodes easily hold the kettle in place while the top folds into place. This streamlined process dramatically reduces packaging time, saves valuable human resources and improves operational efficiency.

In addition, the superior shock absorption of air column technology ensures that your kettle arrives at its destination in perfect condition, minimizing returns and customer complaints.

Apart from this, many modern air column bags are made from eco-friendly materials that can be recycled or disposed of responsibly. This aligns with the environmental consciousness of many B-end clients, who prioritize sustainability in their supply chains. The precise fit and multi-functional design of these bags minimize packaging waste, reducing the environmental footprint of product transportation.

The ease of use and quick packaging process accelerates logistics operations, enabling businesses to ship products faster and more efficiently. This improved speed can lead to shorter lead times and enhanced customer satisfaction.

PackBest customized air column bags for electric kettles represent the future of protective packaging. By combining tailored perfection, innovative design, and operational efficiency, we have created a solution that maximizes protection while minimizing effort. Try these customized air column bags and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your products are securely shielded from the rigors of transit.

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+86 136-0004-4028


Working hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30-18:30

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